Nyheter i Eid
EID Parry is likely to see its fully diluted EPS improve from Rs 1.4 in FY16 to Rs 15.5 in FY17, feels ICICI Securities. The return on equity will jump from 1.9 per cent (FY16) to 19.6 per cent in FY17. All this bodes well for stock prices too. ICICI ...
Sugar rally takes a breather
Judge Ray found Eid guilty of ten counts of breaching the criminal code and Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. He found Eid had defrauded ICI creditors, causing the latter to suffer collective losses of $3.8 million. Judge Ray also found that Eid had ...
Roland <b>Eid</b> guilty of all 10 counts of fraud
Superior Court Justice Timothy Ray could not have been clearer in delivering his verdict Monday in connection with former construction boss Roland Eid. “ICI (Construction) was a sham from early 2007 until its demise,” he said in delivering a summary of ...
Ex-CSIS informant guilty of all 10 counts in year-long fraud trial
Sometime after 11 a.m. Monday, Superior Court Justice Timothy Ray will give us his take on Roland Eid — the building tradesman charged four years ago with fraud in connection with his company ICI Construction. The proceeding before Ray began little ...
Ex-CSIS informant, construction boss Roland <b>Eid</b> to learn fate after year-long <b>...</b>
Helse Førde, som omfattar sjukehusa i Førde, Eid og Lærdal, er det mest veldrivne sjukehusføretaket på Vestlandet. Av 48 ulike mål som sjukehus-Noreg blir målt etter, er Helse Førde best i regionen på 29 av dei, ifølgje ferske tal frå Helse vest ...
Die Staatsanwaltschaft Dresden wird nicht wegen des Verdachts des Meineides und uneidlicher Falschaussage gegen AfD-Chefin Frauke Petry ermitteln. Grund dafür: Bei der betreffenden Vernehmung stand Petry rechtlich nicht unter Eid.
Staatsanwaltschaft: Kein Meineid von AfD-Chefin Petry
Postnummer Eid